Evgeniya Bobkova and Ioanna Stavroulaki have recently presented Urban Calculator at Chalmers University within TWIN2EXPAND research project.

The TWIN2EXPAND project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe WIDERA program, brings together a consortium of leading European research institutions, including University College London (UCL), Polytechnic University of Turin, Chalmers University of Technology and Space Syntax Limited. The project aims to stimulate research excellence and innovation capacity in the field of Evidence-based Design and Planning (EBDP) at the University of Cyprus (UCY) and to promote interdisciplinary research and networking in the EBDP field.

We had a great talk about evidence-based urban design and spatial analysis tools with our colleagues from University of Cyprus, University College London and KTH Stockholm, Göteborgs Stad and Ramboll!

Read more about TWIN2EXPAND project:

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